Thermal tourism is considered 1 ft h one of those fields of tourism which could experience the greatest growth after the end 1 ft he COVID-19 pandemic.
Tourists will be looking for wellness experiences, immersing themselves in the destinations and interacting with local inhabitants.
It is necessary to explore connections with other cultural and natural resources to create new and better sustainable thermal products.
Thermal Tourism is a powerful tool to contribute to safeguard the
world’s thermal heritage (natural, cultural and intangible) and to provide
socio-economic benefits, including the dynamisation of ruralareas
and the creation of stable employment and income-earning opportunities.
Thermal tourism needs to be recognised as an instrument for sustainable development and as a model for other tourism sectors or products.

Thermal Tourism is a powerful tool to contribute to safeguard the
world’s thermal heritage (natural, cultural and intangible) and to provide
socio-economic benefits, including the dynamisation of ruralareas
and the creation of stable employment and income-earning opportunities.
Thermal tourism needs to be recognised as an instrument for sustainable development and as a model for other tourism sectors or products.